(This counts as Turn 0)
- Create Character (5th level character, follow guidelines under Rules and Regulations)
- Designate your Landing Region
- Write down in a new post under your forum (call the post "Controlled Regions") the name of the Region you've landed in and its province level (1)
- You all have a current Court level of 0
- Everyone begins with 25 GB (Gold Bars) and your maximum of Regency (5 x Blood Score)
- Set up another post in your forum called KINGDOM STATS (So you should have Turn Actions, Controlled Regions and Kingdom Stats)
- You need to post your 1st turn: We skip Steps 1,2 and 3 and go to 4. Play out domain action round 1
- Select your domain action round (Ch.5) and post it
- I suggest reading through Ch.5 and 6 before deciding! (I suggest Creating Holdings and Ruling them to increase your GB collection for the next turn)
- Once everyone has posted their action rounds (1,2 and 3), we'll finally start our first real turn (Turn 1)
- Don't forget to update your Controlled Region post with anything new you've built in it.
Turn: Write the number
Action: Fully describe the action
Action 2:
Action 3:
Costs: Describe any costs